Andrex Washlets sample

Last Updated on August 25, 2021

Have you tried the new Andrex Classic Clean Washlets Moist Toilet Tissue? Here is your chance to get a free Andrex Washlets sample to try gratis.

The new Andrex® Classic Clean Washlets™ Moist Toilet Tissue are moistened with Micellar Water and a Cotton Fresh scent. You can use them as a bathroom tissue that will be gentle on your skin with a fragrance that leaves you feeling refreshed and clean.

How to get free Andrex Classic Clean Washlets sample by post?

To receive your free Andrex Washlets sample to try gratis, I invite you to follow the recommended steps.

First of all, this Andrex Washlets freebie is available thru a sponsored post on Facebook. This means I do not currently have a direct link to offer you. However, there are a few actions you can follow through with. Hopefully, the post will pop up on your social media feed right after.

The recommended actions are :

  • Like and Follow Andrex on Facebook and Instagram
  • Like a couple recent posts or watch a recent video they shared on their page
  • Look up the Andrex Classic Clean Washlets Moist Toilet Tissue product on the internet, especially on Andrex website.

Once through with the actions above, simply stay vigilant while scrolling your social media feed on Facebook and maybe Instagram as well. Here is the post you must be on the lookout for :

Andrex washlets sample facebook

Please note that there are other variations of this post. On other post there is a picture of the product itself. So just stay alert to not miss it out.

UPDATE: It looks like Andrex is targeting residents of the UK, who are aged 18 to 55 and who may be similar to their customers.

Available for select residents of the UK.

Also, make sure you subscribe to push notifications on Getmefreesamples. This way, I can ping you whenever there is a new update or a possible direct link with SoPost to this freebie, and others.

andrex washlets sample

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