Looking for Cheez-It Crackers Coupons for Canada to get discounts or free products even? Find them all below with fine prints of each.
This will be updated regularly to include all Cheez-It Snack Crackers freebies, coupons & Deals for Canada. Keep an eye out for updates.
NEW! Free Cheez-It Snap’d Crackers with Sample Source
Sample Source has a new special offer for its registered members. Select members have been chosen to receive a free Cheez It Snap’d Crackers coupon in the mail. The coupon is good for a free box of the new Cheez It Snap’d Crackers.
To see if you qualified for this, and claim your free box, you can check your email inbox for an email from Sample Source with the link to order this freebie.

If you are not a member of Sample Source, I invite you to go to their website and sign up. This way, you won’t miss out on future offers, and of course, the coming Sample Source box.
CLICK HERE to go to Sample Source.
Available Cheez-It Coupons for Canada
Free Cheez-It Crackers Box with coupon + $1.00 off
Get the new Cheez-It Crackers Coupon for a free box of Cheez-It Crackers to pick-up in-store. Kelloggs has a new promotion and they are offering :
- 20,000 Cheez-It FPC (Free Product Coupon) to get a box of Cheez-It Crackers for free (191 g to 200 g). on your next grocery shopping trip. (This one is for the first 20,000 Users to participate)
- 60,000 Additional Cheez-It Coupons are available. Each allows you to save $1.00 on any one (1) Cheez-It Crackers Box (191 g to 200 g). from any store in Canada.
Limit 3 Coupons claims per user, per 14-days period. This just kicked off so do it three times to get 3 Free Product Coupons. and then after two weeks come back for 3 more $1.00 off Coupons.
Update: Free Products Coupons are still available. If you have claimed this when I first shared it (April 30th, 2021), now you are eligible to reclaim some more.
TIP: Choose Download4TheGRAM to download the meme you made and get the coupon, instead of sharing it on social media.
Offer runs from 29th April to 31th December, 2022 or while supplies last. But I doubt this is going to last for long because we all love Cheez-It Crackers… and free stuff.
To get yours, follow this link and generate a meme with the Cheez-It Cheeme Generator. Share it on social media to get a coupon. Go!