Send Me a Sample Free samples

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Looking for free samples to get through Send Me a Sample without spending a cent? Here you can find a list of the latest freebies to receive gratis in the US, the UK, Canada, Ireland, Germany, and other countries.

Getting free stuff and samples from famous brands shipped to your house has never been easier. Find below the latest Send Me a Sample offers you can ask for from either your Amazon Alexa device or the Google Assistant App on your Smartphone.

To filter the offers below by country, click on the links below :

How do you sign up for Send Me a Sample?

To sign up for a Send Me a Sample account, simply go to the registration page at, and fill out the form. It’s a very simple process that you can do in one minute.

Does Send Me a Sample cost money?

No, send me a sample is 100% free. You don’t have to pay anything at all to receive free samples and products in the mail.